The contact form is the way used by the customer to ask a question, declare a dispute concerning a delivery or a product purchased in a retail store of the brand Hespéride.
How to submit a request:
1) First, click on the subject line that corresponds to your request . (You will find below a help to choose the right object)
The differents requests objects:
I have a question related to my customer account: Problem with login, registration, address book, newsletter.
I have a question before ordering: a question about a product, its availability, the conditions of delivery, the types of payments, help in placing an order.
I have a question about a past order: a dispute or a delay on a delivery, a damaged product, a wish to withdrawal.
I want to register / know my products under warranty: you want to register your proof of purchase on our site for a product purchased in store, you want to know your products already registered on our site previously.
I have a defective product, I would like an after-sales service: you have a defective product and want the intervention of the after-sales service. Read the detailed article How to make a complaint to the after-sales service?
I am a company / a professional: You wish to know our commercial conditions, to have access to a website for the professionals, to buy a great quantity, contact the marketing department.
I would like to be called back by phone: You wish to be called back directly by an agent (some requests requiring the sending of specific information or photos, it will be necessary to pass beforehand by sending a form)
2) The form will change depending on the object and reason of the request selected, so please fill in the information requested. In case you cannot fill in any of the fields due to lack of information, please enter "not found". Indeed, if you leave a field empty your form will not be sent.
3) The last part consists of inserting a proof of purchase, a photo or any other element allowing the processing of your request. To do this, click on add file or slide and drop the item(s) directly into the specified area.
The file(s) are uploaded on the form, then click on submit.
4) Once the form is submitted, a message at the top of the page "Your request has been forwarded" will appear (image1). At the same time, you will receive an email notification with a request number (image 2).
You will be contacted by one of our agents within 48 to 72 hours by phone or email.